Different camera models, that help photographers capture images of artwork

Selling Art Online: A Photographer's Guide

One of the most important aspects of successfully selling art online is capturing high-quality photographs that not only showcase the beauty of the artwork but also convey its texture.  Here are some essential tips for photographing your art to maximise its appeal to potential buyers.  


Consider the Lighting

Lighting is essential for capturing the true colours and details of your artwork. Natural light is often the best choice, so consider setting up your photo shoot near a large window or outdoors on a slightly overcast day. Avoid direct sunlight, as it can create harsh shadows and wash out colours.

Use a Tripod

To ensure sharp, clear images, use a tripod to stabilise your camera as this will help prevent blurred images.

Choose the Right Background

Select a clean, neutral backdrop that won't distract from the artwork itself. Solid white, grey, or black backgrounds work well..

Capture Different Angles

Take multiple photos of your artwork from various angles to show the dimensions and textures. Close-up shots can highlight intricate details, while wide-angle shots offer a broader perspective.

Focus on Texture

When photographing textured artwork such as paintings or sculptures, it's essential to capture the tactile qualities that make it unique. Experiment with different lighting angles to accentuate shadows and highlights to bring out the texture.

Use the Rule of Thirds

Use the rule of thirds to balance the elements within the frame, and consider the placement of props or other objects to enhance the overall presentation.

Edit Thoughtfully

Use editing software to fine-tune the images to ensure they accurately represent your artwork. Adjust the brightness, contrast, and colour balance as needed, but be careful not to overdo it as you want the photos to look natural and true to life.

Provide Scale References

Including a scale reference, such as a ruler or common object, can help potential buyers gauge the size of your artwork accurately. This is especially important for larger pieces that may be difficult to visualise.


Seek Feedback

Seek feedback from friends, fellow artists, or online communities to improve your photography skills further. Constructive criticism can help you identify areas for improvement and refine your approach to photographing your art.

By following these tips, you can achieve high-quality photographs that best represent the beauty of your art. 

By Sinead Berryman

Sinead is a professional photographer at Showberry Photography in Queensland, Australia.